SEMS Compliance Training

SEMS Compliance Training Suite

Updated for SEMS II, this highly effective suite of training programs provides the offshore oil industry with an overview of the SEMS requirements and a thorough understanding of how these regulations affect offshore workers and their jobs.

In addition, these programs provide all the information contractor and operator employees need to be fully trained on both the original and final SEMS II regulation, 30 CFR 250 Subpart 2.

Training Topics Include:

SEMS II Awareness Training
JSA – Job Safety Analysis Training
SWA – Stop Work Authority
UWA - Ultimate Work Authority
Reporting Unsafe Work Conditions
EPP - Employee Participation Plan
MOC - Management of Change

SEMS II Awareness Training for Offshore Oilfield Employees

Updated for SEMS II. This concise program provides all the information contractor and operator employees need to be fully trained on the new SEMS regulation, 30 CFR 250 Subpart S.

JSA for the Oilfield Industry: A Guide to Employee Participation, Hazard Identification & Control

This program will instruct oilfield workers on the benefits and importance of using JSAs to prevent accidents and incidents. Through actual oilfield jobsite examples crews will learn how to analyze a job function, break it down into specific steps and predict the job hazards for each action.

Stop & Ultimate Work Authority: A Guide to Authority and Responsibility in Offshore Oil Operations

Concepts such as Stop Work Authority, Ultimate Work Authority, and Reporting Unsafe Conditions featured in this program are all part of a new advancement that is changing the oilfield industry. This approach is now mandated by the United States Safety and Environmental Management System regulation, commonly known as SEMS. Compliance with SEMS is monitored by the Bureau of Safety and Environmental Enforcement, or BSEE.

Management of Change

Adaptation to change is vital to the success of an organization and the safety of its employees. This program focuses on a proactive approach to dealing with change and addressing any facility or operational changes including management changes, shift changes, contractor changes, etc.
Moxie Media