SEMS Compliance Training

SEMS II Awareness Training for Offshore Oilfield Employees

Online eLearning Course
$35 per trainee

Documenting Online Training
Automatic entry into Oilfield Industry databases
(SafeGulf, PEC) included in price.
DVD Course
$425 per DVD
Includes Instructor's Resource Kit on CD-ROM
 • Instructor/Student Manual
 • Test Questions
 • Student Sign-In Sheet
 • Completion Certificate

Documenting DVD Training
Individually Numbered, Mail-In Test Answer Sheets
$15 per trainee

(Test results will be verified and loaded into the PEC database.)
Suite Course Title (click for more info) eLearning DVD
JSA for the Oilfield Industry: A Guide to Employee Participation, Hazard Identification & Control $19.95 $425.00
Stop & Ultimate Work Authority: A Guide to Authority & Responsibility in Offshore Oil Operations $19.95 $425.00
Management of Change: Best Practices for the Prevention & Control of Safety Risk Factors $19.95 $425.00
Moxie Media