SEMS Compliance Training

Documenting SEMS Training

One of the changes that SEMS brings to the industry is that it doesn't just require training. It requires that most documents and records need to be kept for six years. JSAs, injury/illness logs, and contractor evaluations must be kept for two years.

In addition, oil and gas companies will be required to audit their SEMS plans within two years after they go into effect and every three years after that.

This means that contractors will be asked to produce the records necessary to check their safety practices and employee training.

Online eLearning Course
Personnel who use the online CBT training will be automatically entered into the proper, industry approved databases such as PEC/Premier's Training Tracker.
DVD Course
Personnel who use the DVD can purchase individual tests, which will be verified and loaded into the PEC database. That will allow operators to look up the information and ensure that personnel have had the proper training before they go to the facility.
Moxie Media